Church services
Our services in various languages
Arabic: Sundays 9 am – 10 am
German: Sundays 10.30 am – 12 noon
Noonday prayers (in German) Mon. – Fri. 12 noon
Korean: Saturdays 8 am – 1 pm
Epiphany (6 January)
Easter service at sunrise
Ascension of Christ (festival of the church's patron saint)
Christmas carol singing (26 December)
Prayers are held at 6 pm every Wednesday during Advent and Lent.
English: Sundays at 9 am
Danish: Saturday afternoon (every 14 days)
German: 5 pm on the 1st Saturday of every month
Ridesharing available from the Provost’s House to Latrun on request
A children’s service is held at the same time as the adults’ service.
All children are warmly welcome to attend. Come and make things, sing, play, laugh with us and let us celebrate with God!
Spendenkonto der Evangelischen Gemeinde
deutscher Sprache zu Jerusalem:
IBAN: DE88 5206 0410 0004 1076 32
Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft Hannover